Thursday, July 26, 2012

A new change

I should have put this up before but as you know, I am making a change of my blog and just doing a different type of blog...but not so much different but just coming from the heart a little more and just talking about other things a little more...but still the same ol G! Lol. And let me just say thank you to all of the people that follow me and read all my blogs..just want to say think you!

Gerry J

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Power of You

It’s one thing that I have founded out is that some people take the bible out of context…and the one scripture that many people use is Isaiah 53:5, where it says “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” That does not mean that if you are having a heart attack or a stroke…you should just sit there. Now I’m not saying don’t bring God into your situation, but you should know that you have to get your butt up and get to the nearest hospital. And now, you sit there after you got news from a doctor that told you what you need to do but you don’t do it…and now you are having the same problems, and you still talking about  “The blood of Jesus”, and “In the Name of Jesus” but your still killing yourself because you are not following directions! Some people seem to never use their head and thinks that people need to act a fool just to try and prove a point.

And let me say this….No matter what you do…somebody will always have something to say about what you did, or how you do it. But people are so fast to talk about others problems…but when it comes to you and your problems…you quite then…You take something so little and make it so much of a problem that it takes your mind off the will of God. The way that you act and the words that come out of your mouth turns the people away that were sent for you to help….and you call yourself a Christian…

Please watch the two videos that I saw and really opened my eyes to things..Please if you can watch both of them and the volume may be low so use headphones. I tried to edit the two videos into one...but didnt work for here are the two videos...enjoy

Video #1

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Real Talk

What is Love? How do we show love? Where do we find love? Questions like this are asked all the time by different people all colors and all sizes. They say love is a force of nature. But how can you force something that’s not there? No matter how much we want to, we cannot command love. You can invite love, but you cannot tell when, or where love expresses itself. One can buy loyalty, companionship, attention, perhaps even compassion, but love itself cannot be bought. One can buy loyalty, companionship, attention, perhaps even compassion, but not love itself..

Someone once told me, “You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into your lover's arms can only come later when you're sure they won't laugh if you trip.”